Java Keytool is command line utility which are used to generate certificates. This certificate management utility helps to create pair of key's like private and public key to help communication between server and client through secure channel.
To run this keytool utility we need to install Java SDK and keep tool.jar and rt.jar in classpath.
Let see what we can do with keytool utility.
- We can generate java certificates with extension as .jks.
- These certificates can have public and private keys.
- We can import and export the certificates.
- We can list the certificates.
- We can pint the certificates.
- We can create Self signed certificates.
- We can extend the key size of certificates.
- We delete the old certificates.
Let see what you get when you run ./keytool through command line.
Key and Certificate Management Tool
-certreq Generates a certificate request
-changealias Changes an entry's alias
-delete Deletes an entry
-exportcert Exports certificate
-genkeypair Generates a key pair
-genseckey Generates a secret key
-gencert Generates certificate from a certificate request
-importcert Imports a certificate or a certificate chain
-importkeystore Imports one or all entries from another keystore
-keypasswd Changes the key password of an entry
-list Lists entries in a keystore
-printcert Prints the content of a certificate
-printcertreq Prints the content of a certificate request
-printcrl Prints the content of a CRL file
-storepasswd Changes the store password of a keystore
Use "keytool -command_name -help" for usage of command_name